Friday, February 11, 2022

Post #5: Anti-War Websites

Anti-War Websites

 2022 has proven to be a very interesting year so far but one of the most intriguing things to occur is the political conflict over Ukraine or more precisely the media coverage of it. While both NATO and Russia have stated their cases and have sour relations in an echo of the Cold War, the mainstream media has been a mirror of one another regarding aspects of the diplomatic conflict which is not something we see often. They have all been in support of a potential conflict and view it as the only way for the west to stay strong, but where are the other voices?

Looking into Anti-War sites like and The American Conservative we can see where these voices have placed themselves which should make us ask why they have to do this. I feel that the answer to this question is fairly obvious and it is that these voices point out the ugly fact the U.S. government has become so entrenched in war without us even knowing. The government fears how these sorts of articles could make themselves appear and as such attempt to minimize the number of people who see them by forcing them into these obscure sites where very few will see them. It paints them in a very bad light to the people who see these articles stating the actions they are doing so they likely encourage major news outlets such as CNN or Fox to refrain from showing such articles in an attempt to control the damage and save face.

If the government is willing to go through with this method of what is essentially censorship, it should make us begin to wonder what else they would be willing to do to stop certain voices from being heard in order to make us see what they want and by result make us think the way they want.

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